I’ve Always Struggled With My Weight
- Author: Tammi
- Date Submitted: Mar 19, 2024
- Category: Weight Loss Patient Stories

“"I’ve always struggled with my weight and worked hard to stay under 200 pounds.””
Tammi Clark began her weight loss journey after experiencing joint and back pain and crying on the floor of her closet.
“I’ve always struggled with my weight and worked hard to stay under 200 pounds,” said Tammi. “It started with joint and back pain that interfered with my daily life. Soon, I was cancelling trips and plans because I didn’t feel comfortable in my clothes – my husband would find me crying in my closet over clothes that wouldn’t fit me.
Down 82 pounds and counting after her sleeve gastrectomy procedure, she wishes she had visited the Shannon Weight Loss Center sooner.
“While I was wary about surgery, I made this decision because I tried everything else and gave up hope,” Tammi said. “This surgery changed every aspect of my life. Now, I have energy I didn’t think was possible in my middle age. My joint and back pain have disappeared. On top of participating in daily activities with ease, I’m taking on new adventures and hobbies. I’m buying clothes I like instead of what fits me. I have a newfound sense of confidence and I feel like I got this magical second chance in life. My only regret is not doing this this ten years ago.”