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Laser Eye Center in San Angelo

Helping to Bring Life into Focus

Call 325.747.2020 to schedule a free consultation and save on your LASIK procedure!

Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) has become increasingly popular among both physicians and patients. LASIK is a modified version of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) in which the excimer laser is used to alter the shape of the cornea by targeting the area beneath a thin corneal flap. Nearly all laser vision correction is now done by LASIK, and over one million eyes are treated annually.

Daniel Lui, MD, performs LASIK, PRK, astigmatic keratotomy (AK), and other refractive procedures quickly and conveniently in the Shannon Laser Eye Center in San Angelo. Patients are able to reduce or eliminate their need to wear glasses or contact lenses.

Laser vision procedures can be performed on both eyes in a matter of minutes with rapid visual recovery following the procedure. Utilizing the accuracy and precision of the excimer laser, the shape of the cornea is changed to improve the way light is focused or refracted by the eye. In less than 60 seconds, pulses of high-energy light from the laser reshape the cornea. By adjusting the pattern of the laser beam, it is possible to treat high levels of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Higher-order aberrations can now be measured using the iDesign and treated with the advanced VISX Custom Vue treatment. The procedure is performed using eye drop anesthesia. Healing is rapid, and most patients return to their normal activities within one or two days.

Call 325.747.2020 today and schedule a free consultation to determine if you are a candidate.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is laser vision correction?

Laser vision correction (LVC) is a simple procedure that uses the VISX Star laser to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. During the treatment, the laser's cool beam of ultraviolet light removes a small amount of tissue, usually less than the thickness of a human hair. Short pulses of this cool-beam laser light change the curvature of the cornea, allowing images to be more sharply focused on the retina.

What are nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism?

Nearsightedness occurs when the curve at the front portion of the eye, known as the cornea, is too steep, resulting in blurred images in the distance. Farsightedness is when the cornea is too flat, resulting in blurred images close up. Astigmatism is the result of an irregular curvature of the eye. With nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism the eye focuses light improperly, causing the images of objects to appear blurry.

Can I have laser vision correction?

Just as glasses and contacts help you to see clearly, so does LVC. But there are some guidelines: You must be at least 18 years of age, with healthy eyes and stable vision. The professionals at Shannon Laser Eye Center can provide additional information and advice during a free, no-obligation laser vision consultation.

What are the real benefits of laser vision correction?

LVC is the modern alternative to glasses or contact lenses. The goal of LVC is to reduce or eliminate your dependence on contact lenses and glasses.

Is laser vision correction safe?

Over 1 million LVC procedures are performed in the United States each year. Data obtained during exhaustive clinical trials show that most patients experienced a significant improvement in uncorrected vision (vision without glasses or contact lenses) after LVC.

What is LASIK and what does it mean?

LASIK is a surgical procedure that is capable of correcting a wide range of nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. LASIK is the acronym for laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis. The name refers to the use of lasers to reshape the cornea without invading the adjacent cell layers.

How long has LASIK been performed?

LASIK was first performed in clinical trials in the U.S. in 1991. It is important to note that the major components of the procedure have a long history. Ophthalmologists have been reshaping the cornea for over 35 years and have been using the excimer laser since the 1980s. LASIK has been approved in the United States by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as safe and effective.

Who can LASIK benefit?

LASIK can benefit a great number of people with nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Candidates should have a strong desire to be less dependent on corrective lenses and willing to accept the risks of surgery.

What results can I expect from LASIK?

LASIK improves uncorrected vision—one's visual capacity while not wearing corrective lenses. Almost all patients can expect to drive without having to wear contacts or glasses, and many can expect to achieve 20/20 vision or better. However, there are no guarantees that you will have perfect vision. People who are most satisfied with the results of laser correction clearly understand the potential risks and complications and possess realistic expectations of what their vision will be like after the procedure.

Are the results achieved by LASIK permanent?

The effects of LASIK are permanent. The effects of LASIK do not wear off. It is important to realize that a person's eye can still change internally. That is why many surgeons recommend having the procedure done after the major eye changes have occurred in one's life. For instance, LASIK is not recommended for children because their eyes change a great deal. If the procedure is performed after the age of 18, the chances of long-term stable correction are better. Patients should also note that while results are usually stable, they sometimes need to be modified by enhancement procedures performed after the initial one.

How long will the LASIK procedure take?

The whole procedure takes about 30 minutes for two eyes, including creating the flap and performing the laser surgery under the flap.

Can I drive immediately after having LASIK?

Patients may experience some discomfort and/or blurred vision for a few hours after LASIK is performed. Therefore, you are not able to drive home after the procedure and should plan not to drive for at least 10 to 12 hours.

Does the LASIK procedure hurt?

Patients are given a topical anesthetic eye drop to numb the eye, so they experience no pain. When the vacuum ring is applied, the patient experiences a sensation of pressure just before his or her vision fades for a few seconds. The IntraLase femtosecond laser beam is used to create the flap and the VISX excimer laser does not cause any pain or discomfort. For several hours after the procedure, many patients describe a mild burning sensation, such as that experienced after opening the eyes while swimming in chlorinated water. After the first few hours, this uncomfortable feeling usually subsides.

Can I have LASIK performed on both eyes on the same day?

The majority of patients have bilateral simultaneous LASIK (both eyes done at the same time), but the choice remains the patient's.

Can I play sports after LASIK?

You can resume most normal activities a few days after surgery. You should wear safety glasses while playing contact sports whether or not you have had surgery.

How long will it take before I can see well?

Fast visual recovery characterizes this operation. Most patients achieve good vision within 24 hours of the procedure and find that their eyes feel fairly normal. However, vision can continue to improve, and best vision can still take two to three months to occur. If necessary, adjustments (called enhancements) to the surgery can be done.

Will I need to wear glasses once my eyes have healed?

Most patients who have LASIK do not wear glasses for their daily activities. There may be a need to wear reading glasses if the patient is over the age of 40. This is caused by the normal aging of the eye known as presbyopia. This condition occurs with or without LASIK. Some patients may need a minimal prescription for some activities such as night driving.

I wear bifocals now, will I still need them after LASIK?

Most people in their 40s or older will need reading glasses if their eyes are corrected for distance because the eye's lens loses flexibility with age. This condition, called presbyopia, cannot currently be treated by surgical methods.

If I'm corrected for distance, will I lose my ability to see well up close?

If you have LASIK done to correct your distance vision, you can expect to have very clear overall vision. However, images close to you may not appear as clear after having LASIK if you are over 40.

Do I need an examination first?

Prior to treatment, you will have a thorough eye examination, called a laser vision consultation, conducted at Shannon Laser Eye Center to determine whether your eyes are healthy and suitable for LVC. Contacts will need to be removed prior to this consultation. Hard contacts are required to be out for 21 days and soft contacts are required to be out for 14 days. Once the consultation has taken place, contacts may be worn again. Your doctor will provide guidance about when you need to stop wearing contacts before your next visit and your procedure. The consultation will include things like taking a detailed video and computer image of your eye that will show the curvature, shape, overall smoothness, and regularity of the cornea. There is no charge for this consultation, which can usually be scheduled at a time convenient to you.

What can I expect on the day of my laser vision correction procedure?

Once you become accustomed to the sound of the laser, anesthetic drops will be placed in your eye to numb it. In the laser room, you will be seated in a reclining chair, the physician will position your head under the laser and a retainer will be placed between your eyelids to gently hold them open during the treatment. The IntraLase femtosecond laser is used to make a flap in your cornea. This flap is laid back out of the way. Once completed, you will be asked to focus on a blinking red light while the laser removes microscopic amounts of tissue from the cornea. The laser will treat your eye for less than one minute and your total time in the laser area will be about 15 minutes. While the actual procedure is painless due to the numbing eye drops, you will experience some slight irritation during the immediate postoperative period.

How much time will I need to get laser vision correction?

At Shannon’s Laser Eye Center, we recommend you plan to have laser vision corrections when you can afford a day or two to relax and enjoy the benefits of your new vision. A postoperative visit is required the next day and your eyes will be light-sensitive for a while. Healing of the eye occurs during this period so we recommend you take a few additional days off.

What kind of vision can I expect with laser vision correction?

Most people requiring moderate LVC should obtain vision similar to that experienced with glasses or contact lenses. Vision is somewhat blurry in the first day or two after the LVC procedure. It is expected that most patients should be able to legally drive without correction after about 24 hours.

To learn more about your options for LASIK in San Angelo, call us at 325.747.2020.