Arrissa Sanchez
- Author: Arrissa Sanchez
- Date Submitted: Jan 31, 2025

LASIK patient Arrissa Sanchez needed corrective lenses for much of her childhood. Thanks to her mother’s encouragement, she was seriously considering LASIK if it meant reducing her dependency on corrective glasses.
“Everyone in my family needs vision help, so it was normal to me when I got my first pair of glasses in third grade. My mom had LASIK a few years ago, so she’s been advocating for us kids to explore the surgery option when we were older,” Arrissa said.
After discovering she was a candidate for LASIK, Arrissa underwent surgery at the Shannon Laser Eye Center in August 2024. She credits her comfort and newfound freedom from glasses to the staff at the Laser Eye Center.
“The staff at Shannon were so supportive, from my first consultation all the way up to surgery and the follow-up appointments. I appreciate how much they worked with me to make sure the entire process went smoothly and kept up with me during recovery. It took my eyes several days to adjust, but I was able to see better than before without needing my glasses.”
Prior to LASIK, glasses were an inconvenience for Arrissa, who works as a dog groomer at a pet supply store.
“My vision was bad enough that I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face, and I would spend so much time wiping my glasses and cleaning off the dog hair at work. Now that my vision has adjusted, I can do the work I love and not worry about the dogs licking my lenses. LASIK took a huge burden off of my everyday life,” she commented.